EntireHR has an inbuilt Visa Hours Regulations Program.

This program has two global options available that work differently to calculate hours over a Weekly or Fortnightly period. 

Weekly Visa Hours Regulation Program
The weekly program will calculate the total booked/assigned hours for a Visa Holder weekly between Monday-Sunday.

If a Member had 20-hour weekly restriction the system looks at the whole Week Monday - Sunday to ensure that a shift will be within the restriction set in their profile.

For example, if a Member has worked a total of 16 hours for the week and there is an available shift that is 6 hours in length they will be restricted from seeing it and for internal staff, this will highlight that the shift will take the member over their hours limit.

It is important to note that if a Visa holder has a fortnightly restriction of 40 hours you are required to set the limit for a week i.e. 20 hours.

Fortnightly Visa Hours Regulation Program
The Fortnightly program will calculate the total booked hours for a Visa holder on 'any given fortnight'. This works by calculating hours for the previous week, current week and the following week to ensure that the hours booked/assigned are within the limit set.

For further information on regarding this program please visit the below article: