Additions and Deductions in EntireHR are used to apply/deduct amounts to shift calculations that are separate from hours worked.

The main difference with Additions/Deductions compared to allowances is it's solely used for adjusting payroll amounts and cannot be applied to invoices. For any adjustments outside of shift calculations you wish to apply to invoices please create/apply an allowance.

To create Additions/Deductions please follow the below steps.

1. In the Finance Portal select: Master > Payroll > Additions Deductions

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The Additions and Deductions screen will load. 

2. In the bottom section of the screen enter your Addition/ Deduction settings.

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Addition: Is used when you wish to add an amount to the Members Pay.
Deduction: Is used when you are wanted to deduct an amount from Members Pay.
Code: This is the code that appears on Payslip (Maximum of 10 Characters recommended).
Description: Description field to define the allowance in addition to the Code.
Amount Type: Choice between $ or % depending on the type of Addition/Deduction.
Amount or Percentage: Field to define a set amount or percentage for automated calculations. Please note this is a default figure and can always be adjusted before applying to a Members pay.
Status: The status will control if the Allowance will be visible to use. Please note you are not able to delete an entry once created if an Addition/Deduction is no longer in use you can update the status to Inactive.
Once Off: If this box is ticked it will show the Addition/Deductiong default setting to be a once-off. however can always be adjusted if you need it to apply on multiple occasions.
Superannuation Payable: If ticked it will include this Addition/Deduction for superannuation calculations. 
PAYG Exempted: If ticked it will exclude this Addition/Deduction in the Members Tax liability calculations. 
Include in Payment Summary: If ticked it will include the Addition/Deduction to show in the end of year submissions to ATO.
Include in Payment summary - reportable employer superannuation contributions: This option is only available for Deductions. If ticked it will separate the deduction as an employer superannuation contribution.
Appear separately on group certificates: If ticked this will show the Addition/Deductions separately on the endo of year submissions to ATO.

Once you have entered your correct settings select the Add

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To Edit a previous entry

Double click on the row and the details set will appear in the form section to update.

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Once you have updated the details select the update button to save.

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If you have selected an Addition/Deduction to edit but no longer need to you can click on the Clear option and it will reset the form.

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