Several reports within the system have two options available when running a report.

To learn more about the two options please read the descriptions below.

Get Report

The Get Report option inserts a quick report on the same page against the fields specified in the options and allows users to apply different filters to obtain a data set matching the criteria selected.

The below image has the following criteria selected: 
  • Period: 01/03/18 - 12/07/18
  • Service Office: Melbourne & Sydney
  • Shift Status: Shift Booked

Once the Report button is selected a report will download on the same screen below the criteria set.

Once the report has generated there is the ability to export these reports to several different formats as shown in the image below.

Export to Excel

Is a data extract report that downloads an excel file directly to the computer and includes most fields that are available within the report options.

You are able to open the file within excel and filter each column by using the filter tool.

Please note: The Export to Excel option for the Members details report behaves differently. to learn more about the Members Detail Report please visit: Members Detail Report